Being a tree that's always in season.

Hey people!  I've been MIA for a few months, which might just be my norm, and a few things have happened.

School started again!  Summer flew by!  I spent some time with friends and family in the states and regrouped.  After the latter part of last year, I needed to be home, surrounded by love.

I may have inadvertently gotten my sister addicted to Catan:

I think this was the first time I went home and didn't want to come back to China after 2 weeks

Anyway, it was a good summer of being lazy, traveling, SHOPPING, and eating all the foods.

These days, I am in the middle of some life metamorphosis. I'm building a cocoon around myself, preparing to be the me of tomorrow.  Ayeshah 5.0 if you will.

At the risk of sounding like every annoying friend you've ever had on Facebook, I'd have to say God is doing some spiritual culling within me. It was while reading Mark 11 last night, that I had to stop and reflect.  In what ways am I like that fig tree that was not bearing fruit?  I mean, I think I'm a nice person.  I think I respect people and spread some laughs occasionally...but I don't think that's the point.

In verses 12-14, Jesus and his group were traveling to Jerusalem and came across a fig tree that had leaves, but no fruit to eat.  In other words, it looked the part, but did not deliver. When applying the concept to our own lives, that's dangerous.

I don't want to look the part of a faithful Christian, but lack the fruit, or evidence, thereof. I felt that everything I've done in my life up to this point had been an inadequate display of the faith I profess. I felt that I could be doing so much more.  No, it's not about works either...but "faith without works is dead".

I'm challenged to serve my neighbor. I'm not sure what that looks like in my life, but I know it should be who I am. So, in the end...I am still pondering on these things.  I would like to say I have all the answers and that I've arrived at my destination...but we ain't there yet.  But I DO know, I will be trying (harder) to make them a vital part of my growth.  I thank God for opening my eyes to a part of my life I was previously blind to.  I pray that God sheds light on what it means to be a servant to all and that I am obedient to listen. And, most of all, I pray that these simple words, written at the end of my work day, can be encouraging to someone who needs it.

Thanks for reading,


PS if you haven't read my other posts (there are years of material and growing pains on this thing), check them out! 


  1. Love the title. Isn't that just what we all strive be "in season"? I also like the part about looking the part but nit being truly it. I am glad you shared on such a public platform. Continue to ponder and include prayer in that pondering so that what you seek may given to you.

    1. THANKS FOR READING!! This was a continuation of our conversation from the night before. I know I'm not the only with these things on my mind...also, I write better than I speak. lol


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