Dating.....and being your awesome self

Something happened earlier this week and it brought to mind an issue I'd been thinking about for a while now.  It has recently come to my attention that there are some younger guys in the world that are attractive.  Now, let me preface this post by saying I am in no way a cougar, puma, or whatever ridiculous animal that describes and women who dates younger men.  I am just a normal 29 year old woman who likes men and likes to date.

With that said.  a little over a year ago, I mentioned not being able to date a guy who was 25 or 24.  As I mature and get older, my views have started to shift and in turn my criteria is changing, LOL. I have recently decided that it's all about chemistry and compatibility.

If I meet a younger guy who has had some life experiences and is able to hold a conversation, about more than TV or work, if said younger guy lives a responsible life like an adult and is not a liability for which I will need to be responsible for, why shouldn't I be allowed to be interested in him without feeling like a lecherous sleezeball.  I shouldn't,  I should be able to date whom I choose.  Men do it all the time.  I've seen plenty of men in their 40s date young 20 somethings and no one bats an eye.

With that said, I'm not looking for a child to date.  I am a firm believer that experience often comes as a by-product of, the chances of me finding a guy under 26 interesting will be slim...but not impossible. All I want to voice is that i have a right to date younger, if i so choose.  

This is a short post for anyone who still in the dating world struggling to make a decision about a younger guy, cause I know you've been there at least once.  If he stimulates you intellectually and has a similar life view, I say, Get it!  But please make sure he is legal.  I don't want anyone going to jail over a pretty face and sweet words.  Also, if a guy is not mature enough to have an alcoholic drink with your friends and be an active part of the conversation, maybe he is not the one for you....... 

But, damn, don't it feel good to get attention from younger men....LOL

