The headaches at work....

One of the most frustrating things about teaching, besides the low pay, is having to take 30+ different personalities in one class (4-8 classes a day), teaching them how to coexist in a small space for 45 minutes - 1.5 hours, teaching them the material, and teaching them how to just be decent human beings, is dealing with clueless parents.  Usually the last part is the most frustrating of all.

I like my students to gain a sense of integrity so that they don't cheat, or steal, or any of the other dishonest practices.  I like them to gain a sense of pride in their work and who they are as individuals, while at the same time respecting differences in the others around them.  I even like them to have fun learning. 

What I can't stand is for a parent to look at me and tell me they are at a lost...with their 12-14 year old!  In my day, I was too afraid of disappointing my parents to even be an issue at school.  I know their is no perfect way to parent, but I do think parents should be more intentional with how they raise their child. 

I'm not going to compose a list of parenting does and don'ts....but I will say, asking a teacher, with no kids, for advice on how you can raise your child is crazy!  Also, when I give viable options and punishments that can be implemented at home, don't have ready made excuses for why you aren't currently taking Tommy's computer away when he doesn't complete his homework.  If you have been to the school 3 times in a week to see 3 different teachers about your 1 child....maybe the problem is on your end. 

Oh, and when did we allow kids to yell at their parents and teachers?  This rude behavior will never be acceptable in the real world, it shouldn't be acceptable in teenager world either.

Sorry, I went on a tangent, but after the week I've had speaking to some parents and students and dealing with the repercussions of allowing one's child too many freedoms and little restrictions, I needed to post this. 

Have a good weekend y'all.  I know I will enjoy not seeing or speaking to anyone below the age of 24! 

