Hobbies and randomness.

HEY WORLD!!!  I just down a small hot chocolate from my favorite cafe and am suddenly feeling the sugar rushing through my veins...

Just a quick post to share my life, or to talk about recent events. Yesterday I went snowboarding for the first time ever.....and failed as an extreme sports athlete!  Subsequently, I am sore all over today and in need of some serious R&R.  But, you know what they say, no rest for the wicked.

Between work, and after work activities that feel like work, there is little time for much else, but I will be sure to post the fun pictures of yesterday's events....soon-ish.

Completely unrelated to anything I have said thus far, but still, possibly, interesting:  You may not know this about me, but I really like to make up parody songs in my spare time...or when I'm just sitting around.  They may not be good, mind you, but I can entertain myself for hours trying to come up with the perfect line, that fits into a given melody.  Take this for instance:

(the water go from) 0 - 100, people, real quick
real quick
burn marks on my right hip.
0 - 100, people, real quick
real quick
I told you not to flush it yet.

HAHAHAHA, so lame.  I know. But I was washing my hands and it just came to me.  I had to share.  It would make me so happy if someone out there, or multiple people, would post some lyrics to finish my song.  Anyway, this post wasn't about anything at all, it was just me being silly....and possibly high on sugar.  Now to some more mundane things...like making a quiz for my students.

