Frozen China Blog Post...thingy...

The title was a misnomer.  I will not talk about the random blizzard that just hit China, which did not happen as far as I know....but I hope I got your attention.

ANYWAY!!!  It has been a while.  Maybe I'll stop pointing out the obvious and be the last, maybe, person to tell you HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!  That's right, 2014 is upon us and I feel this year will be filled with more opportunities to not make the same mistakes of the past....unless you are content with the habits you've developed over the years, in which case, keep doing you!

If you haven't yet, and you are not a complete lame loser freak (I kid, I kid), GO WATCH FROZEN.  Wait for stimulus Tuesday, hit up the matinee, borrow someones kid, do whatever you need to do to make sure you see this movie ASAP. This movie will make you laugh, then cry, then laugh again until you reach some weird emotional homeostasis point wherein you keep the soundtrack on repeat on your spotify player.  Just do it.

Here's a little taste of what you will get for your patronage:

Lastly, readers, I have news! In just a few weeks...a month....I will be moving to....CHINA. That's right. I've debated and waited long enough, I'm doing it.  I will broadcast my Chinese explots and life teaching abroad at this blog:  and on this youtube channel: (when I figure out this movie maker business) so look out for it. 

