Stop comparing yourself to shadows

I've decided to post weekly words of encouragement/wisdom....more like daily ramblings and things that just come to mind for me.  This week, I want to talk, or type (see what I did there?), about an issue that came up in a letter written to me by a student.  No, I will not be specific or share names, but the issue of this 15 year-old-girl is an age old one that 20 somethings (like me) can identify with it. 

Her issue was she felt ugly...and under valued by her classmates...and just awkward.  Sound familiar.  Though most of us have experienced this moment of low self worth at some time or another, we don't acknowledge how these same feelings of individual dissatisfactions carry on into adulthood.  Maybe we have come to terms with our looks, or gotten plastic surgery, but we are constantly finding ways to highlight our flaws.  "I'm too fat", "I'm not married", or  "I'm not where I thought I would be by this point in my life."  We look at our expectations, which are shaped from shadows, and get disillusioned with the reality that we are mediocre...well, regular(lol)! 

But, then again, maybe I'm just talking about me...

What advice can be given to the adult who still wishes his/her colleagues would include him/her in their social life, or the adult who wants to look like the models?  The same advice I give to my students:  Who told you that was reality?  What makes you think being (fill in the blank) would make you happier?

We live in a world were priorities are jacked up. We define ourselves by how others see and treat us and are constantly looking for external approval or justification...And it just occurred to me this could be why I've started taking weekly selfies on my Instagram...

The truth is, all that glitters is NOT gold and the shadows on the wall are distractions keeping us from facing reality.  In my last...or last last post, I mentioned living life like death was unavoidable.  That, to me, means I need to stop putting eternal importance on temporary things.  I need to align my focus with the overall purpose of leaving the world a better place:  loving and encouraging others....being a positive addition to my work place (I'm working on it).  I need to stop worrying about the acquisition of material things and (yes) MONEY....WE WILL NEVER HAVE ALL THE MONEY WE COULD EVER WANT (we'll always want more) SO STOP CHASING IT!

I've decided that there are 3 things, yes 3 things, we need to be content with: 
1. God
2. Good Health (which is a gift from God)
3. A Loving Family and Friends (Also, a gift from God)

Well, I guess that's really just one...but you know what I mean. If you have these 3 things, everything else will fall into place.  I don't need to go onto Facebook or Instagram and see that Jimmy HighSchool Friend is getting married in Hawaii this fall and feel that I haven't achieved anything in life because I'm not on this level.  It's time to step away from your 15-year-old mentality and stop comparing yourself to everyone you've ever met...and just be content with who you were created to be.

PS....(and again, I'm talking mainly to myself) don't make being "thin" your life's goal...focus on being healthy and make healthy'll feel better in the end.

