I had a dream...and it did not include zombies!

At times like this, I wish I had a Vlog. I don't think you reading will capture my facial expressions and weird voices correctly, but I'll try. :) Last night I dreamt my family and I were on a pirate ship. The captain, of course, was Daddy and he would give us all jobs and what not to keep the ship moving efficiently. Any, the ship comes to an island and (Disclaimer: I'm not sure if I added this detail before or after I actually woke up, but humor me) this island is at war with it self. We see this pitiful man with a straggly beard, possibly homeless, definitely sketch, on the shore. Daddy says let him on the boat, and we take him with us. The mans name, YES he definitely had a name, is James. I'm a little weary of James, but he seems harmless enough, keeping to himself and helping around the boat. At some point my dad arms us with these spray bottles of mild acid; not acidic enough to eat through the plastic spray bottles, but acidic enough to burn human skin on contact. Don't ask me why we didn't just get guns or swords for protection; my subconscious self feels the best way to protect yourself from the enemy is to be armed with lots of acid. Armed with our new weapons, we needed an enemy. At this point I can't remember if it was suggested by me or one of my more ruthless siblings, we decided James had to go. Again, he wasn't particularly vicious or dangerous, we just had weapons and numbers and had to use them on someone. The next island we came to, we used our spray bottles to chase timid James from the boat. I'll admit, I sprayed my bottle a bit more liberally than others, aiming specifically for vital areas, like the face. After James was gone, I felt ashamed. I didn't understand why I had done what I'd done to someone so nice and I hoped he wouldn't come back for vengeance. Of course, when Daddy found out what we did, he went and found the broken James and carried him back to the boat. I just knew James was going to come after me, so I avoided him. Then one day, he asked to speak with me. I told him that I would after I took a shower (it's my dream, don't judge). So I go about fortifying my bathroom so that no one can come in. On this, apparently massive, boat, I have my own room (that smells like my Nanny's house when I was younger) with a bathroom. I lock the bedroom door, then I lock the bathroom door. I hear a knock on the outer room. It's James, he wants to come in and talk. "I'm taking a shower, can you wait a minute?" I holler back. He says okay. I'm locked in the bathroom now, taking my shower, thinking I'm safe. I hear a knock on the bathroom door; it's James. He wants to know if I can talk now. I'm just thinking what the what...how did he even get into my room? This man has a bucket of acid, and he is just waiting to corner me when I'm vulnerable, I know it. He says he just wants to talk and not harm me. I'm stalling now. I'm torn because I am genuinely apologetic for what I did to him, but I'm also all about self preservation and don't want to risk being disfigured by acid. So I try to hide, before I can get all of my clothes on properly, the door opens. In comes James with some servants. He is now clean and looks 10 years younger. I tense up and start to cry, begging for forgiveness and explain to him that I didn't come sooner because I was scared of him retaliating. At some point, my bathroom morphs into a dining hall. James, whom I assume has been listening to my tear filled plea, has just finished setting the table with his servants. The table is laid out with all kinds of delicious stuff, and he says, "Sit down, let's eat." So we sit at the table, with his boss (I have no idea where hi came from) and.....my alarm goes off. Now, when I wake up, my mind was all, WHAT THE HECK just happened. BUT, then I got all tingly and excited inside. I was like, this is what forgiveness is. Even when I deserve to be punished, I'm treated to a feast. Anyway, just thought I'd share. Ayeshah
