More money, same problems...

It turns out that you can be so far behind on bills that it takes you ages with a fulltime job to catch up.  And with the tax rate on single people with NO kids is ridiculous.  Can I hire one of those fancy lawyers 1% have who keep them from actually paying taxes? 

Anyway, it has become very apparent that if I want to remain solvent, meaning eat regularly and pay bills, I'm going to have to get a second job.  This is not ideal because:

1.  I already work ridiculous teacher hours and am tired 50% of the day.
2.  I already have trouble grading papers in timely manners and cleaning my apartment regularly...

BUT, I also work better when I'm consistently busy (inertia and all that) here's to me finding that awesome holiday job at the mall (probably working alongside my students lol) or that waitressing job that tips well and keeps me in the green!!!  It will be nice.

On the bright side, I am able to pay bills.  

