Je t'aime.....

So, I had an interesting conversation with my 18-year-old sister yesterday wherein she reiterated her desire to get married in the near, near future and I begged, pleaded, tried to coerce her into waiting until she at least finishes undergrad....all to no avail. 

It seems the kid has made up her mind, and I can only sit back and watch as she lives her matter how dangerous marriage and youth coupled together can be.

Anyway, she decided to call back a few more times to strengthen her argument and brought my own nonexistent love life into the picture...I mean WHY!  To me, she was reaching to avoid the issue at hand, and I was like, why compare apples to oranges and yeah, I haven't had a boyfriend in a while, but I I'm okay with that...most days.

Considering, I'm 26, just getting started with a stable career and have spent a lot of time traveling and earning's not like I've been idle.  I tried to explain to her that I wasn't ready for anything serious when I was between the ages of 18-25, partly cause I didn't know what I wanted to do with my life, but mostly because I was growing up.  I'm just now reaching the point in my life when someone else sharing it with me would be an asset, not a liability....and I'm not a liability to him.  She doesn't get that. 

Anyway, to vent feels good...



  1. I'm extremely flatered and no, this is my only site. Feel free to comment at anytime. i enjoy discourse and clever people.


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