Noblesse Oblige

Noblesse Oblige means with Privilege Comes Responsibility.  I've been doing a lot of internal searching lately and of the things I've been working through is how blessed I am in my life.  I know I complain a lot when things don't go my way or when I feel I'm being slighted and mistreated, but when I really sit and think about it, I'm rich in many, many ways.  There are many things I don't have to worry about because I know, even though I'm 26, there will always be someone I can go to, or someone I can lean on to make sure I'm taken care of.  I'm 26 and I've traveled all around the world, have 2 degrees, have a family that loves me and many natural talents God has given me.

I live in the USA, a land of plenty, and can go to the grocery store and choose from over 50 different cereals I might have for breakfast, 50 different bottled waters I could drink, millions of different shirts or shoes and all the other things I've come to take for granted when there are millions, even billions, of people around the world who don't have assess to the same comforts.  It's humbling because I have all these things not because I deserve them or because they are owed to me, I have them because God has placed me in a position of privilege. (Yes I say God.  This is not intended to ostracize or offend anyone.)

With that said, I've been contemplating the saying "to whom much is given, much is expected" and wondered how I've been applying it in my life.  I'm no Donald Trump, but I still exist in a position of plenty.  I have more than enough.  Why would I be placed in a position of privilege?  Why am I given so much?  I've come to the conclusion that we, as people, aren't given the things we are given to store up in warehouse and keep for our own selfish gain.  We are put in these blessed positions to act as blessings to others.  We have a responsibility to our fellow man to give to them out of our excess.  It seems so simple, but I rarely see it in action. 

Instead of spending your day thinking about what you need and lack and worrying about how you are going to make ends meet, think about what you have and be a blessing to someone else.  In the end, it'll all come together.

