Moving Day

A little over a year ago, I started this blog chronicling my mis-adventures of a broke 20-something moving back home, going back to school, and unsure of what I wanted to do with my life.  Now I'm a broke 20-something a year older, moving out on my own again, finished with school, and setting course on what could potentially be an excellent career start.  It's refreshing.  I'm looking forward to the simple things again, like getting a regular paycheck or sleeping in my own bed (an not on the couch)!  Being able to FINALLY afford that new car.  Most of all, I'm finally able to complete avoid that awkward moment when people ask where you live and you have to say "With my parents".  The uncomfortable stares that come with living home in your mid-20s, the hesitancy to bring anyone over to "your place" cause its not "your place" is gone and with that I've gained new found confidence that I am becoming a "real" adult...whatever that means....



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