Lady R in the house

I have a lot of wisdom for a young person. Well, that is what a friend of mine who is well beyond my years, told me. Needless to say, I actually agree with him. I believe I came out of my mother’s womb with a mature attitude about life. Hi, my name is R Ward, and I am a 25 year old self-proclaimed wisdom seeker and advice giver. I am W.I.E.R.D (Wonderful, Intelligent, energetic (when I want to be) Realistic and Domineering (well sometimes). I am triplet (I guess that’s even weirder—lol). And well, I do not plan on boring you with my life stories but, I do plan on sharing some exciting experiences of mine that we all can learn from. In addition, I hope to introduce thought-provoking questions to this blog and as well—sound advice based on my experiences. Please feel free to share your advice and your questions; I am an open-minded individual (Well sort of). Enjoy! Smooches


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