Aparently I drive fast....

Did you know that cops can pull over multiple cars at a time? I did not until this afternoon. I'd heard the stories, but these were always fairy tales, myths that always involved a friend of a friend. I was cruising down I-16W (the longest, most boring road road in GA I swear!) keeping flow with the car in front of me and making good time. Until this cop does a U-Turn and begins heading our way. Now, I slow down and get in the far right lane, hoping he was after the car in front of me (I mean, I wasn't even leading the line of 3 cars), but h pulls up next to me and signals for me to follow (really, who does that) while he speeds up and gets the car in front of me.

Now, I'm no stranger to speeding tickets (this will make #3...and I swear the last) but I've never been pulled over along with an accomplice. How was I supposed to know that following someone as they weave in and out of traffic was a violation? I know what you're thinking, "Would you have followed the car if they were driving off a cliff?" and the answer is probably not, however, I'm not against getting to one's destination in the quickest manner possible.

I didn't even know what the cop was saying to me to refute anything I was accused of (Really, I couldn't understand him. I'm a GA girl born and raised, but he's words weren't even slurred...they were nonexistent. Think King of the Hill's Boomhauer). Not that I would argue, I mean, when you know you're in the wrong, the only thing you can do is take your punishment and lament getting caught.

At least he lower the speed on the ticket so that I'm not getting any points on my license or facing an increase in insurance...wonder if the car in front of me got the same punishment....

Lady A
