Why are you still talking?

You know when someone does something that pisses you off and you just want to vent, but they think it's an open forum to speak their minds and tell you that you're overreacting?  To those people who try to get me to squash my angry by asking, "Is it not over?" Shut the hell up.  I'll probably get over the issue a lot quicker if you stopped talking and let me say my piece.  ESPECIALLY when you know you were wrong in the first place, i don't care if you offer to replace the lost article, broken part, or missing food...i just want to talk and let you know how angry I am, just sit there, quietly, and take it.  Am I being ridiculous.

All of a sudden I'm madder than I was before just thinking about it...

Lady A


  1. Really, who throws out an entire bar of soap...and expensive soap at that!!!


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