What to do when your car dies on the highway…

Life truly is unexpected.  When I began the venture of moving to Atlanta, I consoled myself with one unchangeable fact:  At least I owned my car!  It could get me to and from work, school, and play all in one day.  But alas, life comes at you fast and sometimes things do not go as planned...like your sister and you cruising down I-20 going an even 80mph when your car decides it’s chugged it’s last exhaust fume and literally sputters before it starts to slow to a permanent stop.  All the repairs, all the oil changes, for nothing.  You’re stuck on the side of the highway, with a cell that won’t pick up service and no way to call the roadside assistance you have through your phone company.  So what do you do?  Call Daddy on your sisters phone so that he can get the tow truck headed your way. 
You make an executive decision and you decide the money spent fixing it up would be better spent going towards and newer better model and start pricing scraping joints to see who will give you the most.  It hurts that the last 4 years Sonata and I have spent together will end in a brutal trip to the junk yard for her and $400 in my pocket…sad, but satisfying. 
Besides spending the next few weekends home for lack of a ride to the city now and spending untold hours on MARTA and buses for a while, it could be worse…I could’ve died.  So for that at least, I am grateful. 
I ask that we all take a moment of silence as I remember Sonata—my first car—and the good times (road trips, reliable transport to where I needed to be, etc…) as she makes room in the driveway for my new car.  Also, let’s see how I go about affording this new car with my meager wages and few hours…but c’est la vie.   

Lady A
