Bills, bills, bills

At the risk of sounding like a irresponsibly brat, I want to take a minute out of my day and complain about bills. While living on my own, I have found that I hate spending money on things that I actually have to, e.g. bills, food, winter clothing, etc. I did some soul searching and figured out the root of this angst. I mean, seriously, every time I pay bills I usually go through a mourning period for my funds. This said mourning period makes me swear off fast food, promise I'll budget, and makes me want to hold on to every little penny. I despise this feeling and it's ugly root is nothing other than financial insecurity. I like to flow with the wind, spend money freely, yada yada yada. Of course this is not the adult thing to do and truly sometimes I just don't feel like being an adult; but I know I should be preparing for my future. I'm sure everyone agrees that our economy has proven there is no such thing as being too financially secure. So while Lady A is doing her physical workout plan, I'll be starting my financial one. I plan on doing this in a series of steps that I'll definitely keep you updated on. For now I leave you with my first plan of action:

SAVE, SAVE, SAVE ( I like saying things in 3s if you haven't discovered that yet)

I will admit I'm not the most financial savvy person, but I do know that having a savings account would have helped me out during a couple of financial tight spots. Imagine how much money you'd have saved now if you'd put back only $50 from every paycheck you've gotten since you're very first job. I don't know about you but I'd definitely have more than enough to pay off a couple bills I have now and I'd be very close to living debt free. So for my first step I definitely want to start saving at least $50 from each paycheck. I'm not going to lie, there will be paychecks where I won't be able to do a whole $50; anything is better than nothing.

When I first started this entry I thought it would be short and sweet. I guess not :) More steps coming soon!

Lady T
