Diets and life changes.

I must say, the best thing that could ever happen to someone struggling with their weight is to have that person leave their home country, their car, their favorite foods, and place them somewhere where they have to walk...a lot!  Admittedly, I don't walk as much as I could, but thinking back to the struggle that was me walking around TEDA in February to the girl who climbed a mountain 2 weeks ago, a lot has changed.

I feel stronger!!!!  Yeah, I know, I can only bench press 15 pounds...on a good day, but I can stand longer, walk farther, jog!!!  All those little things we often take for granted.  I don't even know if there was a moment when I realized the change, I just know change has occurred and I am loving it. 

But I still have far to go....

This is was me in February:

And this was today during lunch:

Admittedly, there isn't a ridiculous transformation, but the pictures are showing the right sort of progress. 

What am I doing differently?  Making an effort to stay active....I try to get in some sort of workout 4 days a week...I have intentions of waking up at 5 and working out, but...I like to sleep.  lol,

I've also learned that I get more out of workouts that don't rely solely on cardio!  Did you know you burn more calories lifting weights than just jogging on the treadmill?  Crazy, eh?  But some weight lifting in your regime and see what happens?  Don't be afraid of building muscle, women don't build muscle like men...naturally, so you won't look like the Rock!  You will, however, build muscle, which burns fat even after your workout. 

Eat clean!  I struggle with this.  It's so much tastier to eat cheesecake than cucumbers, but experiment with different foods.  Today my lunch consisted of carrots, cucumbers, tuna, and egg whites:

It was good, I even added a little bit of ranch, just a little, and some salt and paper to make it not bland.

I like using the blogilates website for intense workouts that use my body weight for resistance.  Also, use the couch to 5k app to get some cardio in...if you want....

Anyway, I am just at the beginning of my journey, but I am working towards my ultimate goal of a healthier me!  Let me know how your journey is going and I promise to update every few months.  lol.



  1. Replies
    1. THANK YOU! I just got back from my first spin class and I am is your journey going? Let's be virtual support/buddies for each other! :)


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