
I know there was a point in my life where I said I would post weekly encouragements....but like all great plans of mice and men...it went awry.  Instead I'm posting this after a 4 week? hiatus.

1.  The government is still shut-down, which I didn't care too much about until it started affecting me in some personal way....now I'm just annoyed.

2.  In an effort to reduce my living expenses, I have moved from my spacious apartment to a much smaller room in someone's house where I have new roommates...look out for the interesting adventures of Tennessee Williams, G-Tech, and Florida Marlins.....or not....I really am rarely home.

3.  There's a Korean lesson going on at the table next to me right this minute and I need to be this girl's friend! Update...I just got her number for future lessons (winning!).

Anyway, a friend of mine, a fellow world traveler and teacher, posted a question on Facebook:  What is STABILITY?

So simple, yet so difficult to define in standard terms.  I found it funny because the universe has been sending me ubiquitous signs lately that my definition of "stable" doesn't have to fall in line with my parents' expectations.  Stable doesn't have to be a Cosby-like family and office politics I navigate gracefully for 25+ years.  Stable can mean what I want it to mean.

So, after much soul searching...I've decided that stable looks this way:

1.  I am making money doing something.  This money is paying my bills and allowing me to save for the future (retirement).
2.  I am not settling for the status quo just because I'm "supposed" to.
3.  I am working hard at something....This I am admittedly working on.  I mean, where is that happy medium between MY TIME and WORK TIME.  Unfortunately, teaching is one of those jobs that doesn't abide by those rules.  Though I am expected to be "on the clock" from 7:15 - 16:00....I still have to grade, lesson plan, work on my soon to be awesome website, reflect on what didn't work and improve, call parents, send reminders to students via Remind101, attend more meetings than I can mentally process, and make sure I have at least 2 standards posted on my classroom walls at all times....It's a recipe for burn out and a decrease in motivation. I think, and this is just me, they want teachers to be super robots who will give their lives for their school and their students.  Don't get me wrong, I love my kids!  I love them so much and I want the best for them, but how can I separate Ayeshah the person who just happens to be a teacher from Ms. Dean...the teacher.  There is no cut-off point in the day.  Ms. Dean creeps into my everyday life....making me feel guilty when I get home at 8 pm and decide to shut off and watch an episode of Scandal.
4.  I am building lasting quality relationships....not making more friends.  I have 3 close friends who know me best, and none of those people are within an hour drive of me...but I'm working on it......
5. I am learning to be content with my current situation.  George Orwell (yeah, we are reading Animal Farm) said, "Men can only be happy when they do not assume that the object of life is happiness"....I'm much happier when I stop seeking things I think will make me happy.  Enjoying the moments given to me are more meaningful than working towards world domination.  MY CAREER IS NOT GOING TO DEFINE MY WORTH AS A HUMAN BEING.

So, to recap...I think stable is being financially sound, while enjoying your life. We have to stop feeling the need to fall in line and do what everyone thinks we should be doing.  If you want to go to Mongolia, save the money up and go!  If you want to change your career...do it!  You don't have to own a house in your life to prove you are an adult nor do you have to (fill in the blank with some asinine expectation people have of you).

Life doesn't have to be a rat race!  For instance, I think I'll emigrate one day....and I'm okay with that.  

If you're not were your family thinks you should be, be encouranged,



  1. I love it. Unplugging from the world is definitely necessary at times to feel what your spirit really wants to do. I wonder what path that I shall take with my life? I'm used to foreseeing my future and planning things out, but now... I'm not sure what to expect, but I'll just go with the flow.


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