What you should be reading....

SOOOO, it's been months since I've read something worth mentioning and it comes in the form of a graphic novel. As you probably know, or should know since my last post, I am a huge AVATAR THE LAST AIRBENDER/AVATAR LEGEND OF KORRA fan (minus that live action movie that shall never be thought of again). If you follow the show and are as die hard as I am, you may enjoy reading The Promise by Gene Luen Yang ( the guy who did American Born Chinese).

The book picks up immediately after Aang defeats Fire Lord Ozai and Team Avatar is now trying to "rebuild" the world to it's former glory.  This includes, of course, getting rid of all the Fire Nation colonies and returning the Earth Kingdom to the....Earth People?  (if you don't watch the show, you may be confused, so get your ass out there and watch the first 3 seasons for background knowledge.  Anyway, the book really makes you question right and wrong while leaving me completely unsatisfied because I have to wait until May for The Promise Part 2.  I'm sort of not wanting to go on because I'm well versed in foreshadowing and what's being hinted at will literally leave me depressed......

With that said, please, watch all 30+ episodes and get this book so that you can understand how awesome this series is and why I am so excited about it!
