Job interviews and a possible change up?

So, I had a job interview today for this "American" school in Nicaragua (it's an American school because students follow an American curriculum, not because it caters to Americans....I know, I was confused about the naming, too). 

Anyway, I think he liked me, I think he's holding out for someone better, I'm not sure.  I was advised to send in recommendations within the next few days before a decision is made, but I'm honestly scared to death that I may actually get the job...not enough to say, "Hell no, I don't want your paying job" but enough to worry over the situation.

Anyway, this was supposed to be a short update on the job situation.  I finish school in 5 weeks and I just want to have SOMETHING by then. Too bad I have to interview for all these positions because I honestly hate, hate, hate job interviews.  I'm not that great at selling myself.

*pray for me!*

