Recovering from a failed attempt at baking

Hello readers, I'm here with another, I'm sure enlightening, tale concerning the pitfalls of we all will/have/or may experience in life. With that said, let's talk about my mad baking skills.... Before tonight, I would have considered myself a competent, if not master, chief, at least when it came to the basics. I can cook Ramen (on the stove, not the microwave), make rice (in the rice cooker), and bake fish like no other; but tonight, I have met my nemesis. See the delicious Salted Caramel Fudge Cake below: Photobucket That was what my cake was supposed to resemble! But instead I ended up with this: Photobucket How did this happen, maybe at the moment I realized the butter I used was supposed to be room temp not melted, I should have started over. Or maybe, When I realized the flour was added at the wrong moment, I should have started over. Whatever the case, my cake literally disintegrated when I tried to move it from the pan to the plate. I will not let this failed attempt keep me from trying again.....another day, because, really, who wants to spend all that time in the kitchen? Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this brief look at my life, and maybe smiled a little while you are at, it still taste good. Lady A
