Live, Love, Laugh

Hey guys! Have you ever wondered why kids that reside in poverty-stricken areas can laugh and play? Well, perhaps the reason why kids can do this is b/c they learn to take life the way it is, and also they view life through the eyes of someone who has not or does not know all that life has to offer. As for how they know it, (if they do not know any better), the way they are living is how life is supposed to be. Well, with that being said how can adults who grow up in the most affluent places and who have a substantial amount of money, can be so unhappy? Maybe, they have been exposed to too much. Perhaps they do not have anything to look forward to because they've already been there, done that and they have become bored. The boredom could turn into unhappiness and the need for more. However, when they receive more, they become elated for a minute or two ( to exaggerate), but after their quick high, they are back on ground zero. What can we learn from the poverty-stricken happy kids? Life is what you make it, its how you view things. You can look at life as a means of exploring, (which often kids do) and finding or creating new ways to enjoy life . Take the attitude that life is what you make it and you will be on your way to living a more happier fulfilled life. Learn to not take life so seriously that you forget how to play and have fun. If you keep an open mind that life offers endless possibilities, then you will always be looking for something, expecting something new, which produces excitement and happiness. Never get satisfied with where you are, because then you will not enjoy all that life has to offer. Learn to live a little, love a little and laugh more.

What can we learn from the unhappy wealthy adults? Well, first of all to not be miserable and second, to pretty much learn not to get complacent, but strive to do more, learn more and be more. Do something different in your life: reach out to others who are not like you; put some spice in your life; stop draining yourself and others with the same old things, same old people, same old food, same old routine--do something different, fun new, and creative. Learn to look at life as it is, but also know that it could always be something more.

Lady R


  1. That's a good way of looking at things Lady R. I find when I feel I have nothing to look forward to, I'm down on myself a lot. It's my catalyst to start a new project (write, volunteer, get out there to meet new people). Also, it's incredible how much changes when we learn that material things may give us a jolt of joy initially, but they can't supply lasting happiness. It's the journey of self fulfillment (not comparing ourselves to other people) and just reveling in the simple things that make life worth living. Like...taking the kids from work trick or treating down the plaza...haha :)


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