Who am I really?

I just left my friend’s surprise birthday party.  I thought she was beautiful, shining with all of her “friends” and family surrounding her.  Then I thought to myself, “How come I never feel that way with my family and friends…together.”  I must admit that there’s a certain level of apprehension that grips me when I even think of my family meeting some of my friends.  I feel the need to apologize for them, for where I come from and I know that’s illogical.  I’ve come to realize I portray different MEs when in the presence of the two groups, separately, so who am I supposed to be in the company of both?  (Does that make sense).

Lady A


  1. That makes total sense. I have often said that the only thing most of my friends/family have in common is me. I used to feel that way until I realized that each group embraces a side of me that is very real yet may not be right for that situation. Like my "book nite" girls embrace the quirky, geeky side of me but my family...not so much. And you know what it's all ok.


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